Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years Resolutions?

Anyone have any?

My specific goals are to: 
1. Run a 10k
2. Lose 20lbs

My difficult-to-actually-measure goals are:
1. To live with no excuses. I think "No excuses" is my theme for this year. From little things, like neglecting to unload the dishwasher, to more important things like time with my family - no excuses. I don't want to settle for less than what God has in store for me, and I think I do that by procrastinating, being lazy, or making excuses.
2. Follow my husband. Obviously, we will be following God first and foremost, but it's time for me to follow my husband and allow him to use the gifts he has and is now certified to use!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

ahh..i like the no excuses goal. it's a good one for me too. how often do we miss out on the full joy that God has for us simply because we're too tired?? thanks for the reminder.