Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm slow, but my computer is slower

I realize I have been horrible at updating this blog, however I blame my computer. I typically want to update with pictures, but for some reason my computer will not recognize my camera cord. I even went to the website to download the drive, and NOTHING! Any suggestions?

This one picture is from when Em & I, along with the 3 boys, went camping for 3 nights near Gun Lake. It was fun & somewhat relaxing, although I had my mini-van completely full (back seat & 1 bucket removed) for just me & Isaac. It's incredible how much stuff a baby needs!

There has been a lot going on this summer with the Driesengas. Most of it is family related. Some good, some bad, some stresses me out, some excites me incredibly. Beyond family 'stuff', a issue currently on the top of my stress list is that the renters backed out of our lease and our Quimby street house is sitting empty. This means we have both rent and a mortgage - they are only $30 different, so we're a little up a creek right now. I know the Lord will provide. He always does. He's just giving me another opportunity to trust him, and I completely do. I'm tired of dealing with it, but I truly am trusting him. Why do I need to re-learn this lesson so often?

Speaking of lessons learned, I am learning more and more to admit my shortcomings. This is hard for me. I am a prideful person. I get defensive easily when I don't want to admit my faults (Marc would probably insert an "amen" in here). I was reminded the necessity of this at the Leadership Summit I went to with the staff here at PH. One of the speakers was talking about how you need to call your own 'bads'. Stupid language, but valid point. And one I needed to hear. I'm still not great at it, but I've had a few opportunities to practice (unfortunately). It actually feels good to admit when I'm wrong and ask for forgiveness. I need to do this more.

I am getting excited for the fall and the kickoff of all the ministries here at PH, but it's a busy time of year. Please pray for details to fall into place as the Lord would have them.


Anonymous said...

wont recognize the camera chord....wierd, Im stuck:-( Re-install....? I still have my chord...crap im leaving...!

Find someone elses chord, its a USB camera chord, so any generic one should fit and load. Ive tried and it does work. Maybe something is wrong with the chord...?

Let me know, peace!

Laffin's said...

you and emily are a couple of awesome mom's to take 3 boys camping. hope you are all well. love reading the updates