Monday, April 13, 2009

The Resurrection & daily life

I will never forget a sermon I heard years ago by Pastor Dale VanDyke from Harvest OPC. He told the story of a radio talk show program where a woman called in with a question about her relationship. She said that her and her fiance had a few different religious views that bothered her. This woman believed in the actual resurrection of Jesus Christ, and her fiance did not.

The talk show host asked her "Does your belief in the resurrection, or his disbelief in it affect your daily life together?"

The woman responded saying, "Well, not really, I guess".

The talk show host concluded the call with hopes that things would be okay with their relationship because their beliefs didn't affect their daily life.


We celebrated Easter yesterday, and perhaps focused on Jesus life, death and resurrection a bit more over the last few weeks, but I hope we allow the resurrection of our Savior to affect our lives each and every day.

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