Thursday, December 17, 2009

a bit late...

So weigh-in wednesday is happening on thursday this week. Final exams will do that to you!

Anyhow, I weighed in 1lb less than last week! It's small, but I'll take it. I am now tied for 2nd place in my biggest loser challenge. We have 4 weeks left until the end and if I win, I get $110! Let's hope I continue to do well and, well, is it bad to wish the other ladies don't do well? Probably, but...

Marc finished up his finals this week and I had my final exam today. It went okay. I am just relieved to have it done and not have to read anything for the next month.

Now, I am on to wrapping gifts and creating my list of goals for the next few weeks. I am taking the last of my vacation days between Christmas and New Years and have a lot I hope to accomplish:

* Finish Simon's baby blanket
* Start Olive's baby blanket
* finish removing wall paper from our 1/2 bath
* watch the LOTR trilogy (Christmas break tradition)
* do a thorough cleaning of my entire house!
* spend as much time as possible with my family!
* work out a few times

Hopefully that is a realistic list and will allow for plenty of relaxation and visiting all the friends that will be in town!

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