Saturday, March 2, 2013

Reformed Creeds & Confessions

We are starting a new unit in Inklings this week on Reformed Creeds and Confessions. I am excited to teach students about the history of these important standards of our faith, as well as help them see their relevance and use for our own faith formation - still in 2013! We are going to start out tomorrow morning with a little pop quiz, just so I can gauge what students already might know and what they do not. Want to take it? I thought you might. Here it is - a simple 10 question quiz. How did you do? Want to come sit in our class at Plymouth Heights to learn more with us?? You're welcome to!

I'll post answers after my students take it. :)

Reformed Creeds and Confessions

Inklings, March 3, 2013


1. How many creeds has the CRC adopted?

               Name them:

2. How many confessions does the CRC hold to?

               Name them:

3. What do you think are the purposes of creeds and confessions?


4. What are the three main divisions in the Heidelberg Catechism?


5. In which confessional document would you find the five points of Calvinism, or TULIP?


6. What does TULIP stand for?






7. Which confession was written first?


8. Which creed is most widely accepted and used by Christians today?


9. Which creed addresses the doctrine of the Trinity most extensively?


10. What role do the Creeds and Confessions play in YOUR life and faith?

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