Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy BIrthday to Marc

Marc turned 28 on Saturday and spent it in bed & on the couch after a long night of puking. Almost everyone in our house has had a 24 flu over the last week. Not the best of birthdays for my poor husband. Thankfully, we had spent the previous weekend in Detroit going to 2 Tigers games (1 win, 1 loss) staying overnight in a hotel & visiting Ikea.

We returned home Sunday evening & Monday went to the airport to pick up Jung (holding Isaac). Thursday afternoon, Tim moved in (blue shirt).
These boys are both Seniors at GRCHS & are exchange students from Korea. Tim will be living with us all year, while Jung is with us temporarily until a permanant placement opens up. They are both very nice, respectful and fun guys! We're glad to have them & I LOVE having people to actually cook for. We had family meals almost every night last week! I haven't done that since I lived with my parents!!!!

My friend Kelly figured out how to get pictures off my camera & on to the computer, so hopefully I'll be a bit better about updating this thing! Thanks Kelly!!!

1 comment:

Laffin's said...

Oh Isaac!!! You are so adorable! I just want to squeeze you. :) Gretchen, I am so excited for you to be able to share your house with these young guys. How fun that you get to cook for them too! Happy Birthday to Marc too!