Saturday, April 18, 2009

Days I long for

Today was the type of Saturday I long for more than I get. I had a meeting at church at 8, but came home around 10 to most of the house starting to wake up. We drank coffee & made a big brunch of pancakes, bacon & eggs. We all ate together & then did some spring cleaning around the house. We loaded up the van & went to Tim & Jung's soccer game (they tied) and LOVED being outdoors for a few hours. Isaac loved the pathway near the field & just ran back & forth most of the time. Back home to grill & cook a big meal and then most of the family went off to a movie. Isaac and I stayed home & played in the church parking lot for a while chasing a little blue ball, then had a bath & played a bit downstairs before bed.

So, here I sit, in a quiet and mostly clean house, very content and tired.

Off to bed I go!


Lisa Thomson said...

That does sound like the perfect day. Relaxed time with family and friends--where's there no agenda or schedules to be met--is simply the best!

Marc Driesenga said...

Yeah, that was a good day! Just think about when we have a house full...of our own kids (plural)! *shivers* But at least not for another year or so! Whew!

Kelly said...

Marc, are you alluding to something?? :) Bean needs friends!