For some reason my blog is posting after this one, so scroll past this post to see some cute pictures of Isaac & Ali!
Isaac had his 4 month appointment today. More shots. I think I did better this time. Not sure that Isaac did. He's got more of a voice now than when he had his 2 months shots. He's been sleepy all day. Poor little guy.
He is 15lbs 1oz and 26 inches long. 50th percentile for weight, 90th for height, 50th for head circumfrence. He continues to be tall & skinney, although this kid is getting some checks!
We started cereal this week. He's been doing okay so far. He's still trying to figure out this whole spoon thing and what to do with his tongue. It's cute.
I just tried to upload a few pictures, but my weak internet connection is yet again failing me. Maybe it has something to do with it's origin...hmmm...
Anyhow, last week I spent 4 nights away from home. Monday night, Isaac & I headed to Chicago where we stayed with my friend Melissa & her 6 month old twins, Hannah & Dylan. I wonder why I always say Hannah & Dylan and not Dylan & Hannah. It's that way with couples too I suppose. I think we are always Marc & Gretchen. My sis & her hubby are always Em & Joe to me. Leah & DeWayne, Don & Kelly, George & Melissa, Kim & Randy...Why is that?
Anyhow, back on track. Tuesday we loaded up the van & headed to Bloomington, IN to stay with our friends Kim & Randy and their 9 month old daughter, Rebekah. We made it to I-65, just into Indiana when we had to stop for the first time & feed all the children. We made it another couple hours and had to stop again to feed. One last stop to try and calm a few screaming children and a 3.5 hour trip became a 5.5 hour trip. We became quite familiar with many Starbucks along I-65. The trip down was enough to make me want to stay longer just to prolong the trip back up.
Within the first 1/2 hour of being there, we found out that Kim is expecting! Yay! Then we found out it is twins! To be completely honest, I wasn't surprised that she is pregnant, but the twins - that caught me off guard! I am so excited for them & know they will handle 3 children under 2 with such grace & patience. I wonder if Randy will still get his 1/2 hour of stretching in each morning...
We were all amazed at the fact that we sat down for dinner and had a peaceful meal. When I can add pictures I'll show you how funny our meal time looked. We had a swing, bouncy seat, jumperoo, saucer & high chair all surrounding the table. All 4 children were in one of these wonderful inventions. It was hilarious!
We ventured out once to a friend of Kim & Randy who also have a 6 month old dauhter, Elise. We ate dinner there & headed back home. Other than that, we sat in the living room and played with our little ones in between feeding them, changing them & putting them down for naps. None of them were on the same schedule the entire time.
I got home Thursday night & spent all day Friday getting ready for our Breakaway retreat. That was at camp roger on Friday night. This was my first retreat with this group & my first night away from Isaac. He stayed with Em & Joe and did okay, despite his 2am wake up call. I missed him more than I thought. It makes me more nervous to be leaving for a week a month from now.
Anyhow, I'll have Marc help me get some pictures up here from my trip soon. For now, off to fold laundry.