Thursday, May 29, 2008

Softball Stress

Tonight is another softball game. I've been having fun, and it's been great to be outside and somewhat active after many months of being big & pregnant. Despite the fun of it, I get stressed out. I am pitching and I am not good at it. I used to pitch all the time and as I remember was fairly decent. Of course, I may be remembering things wrong, but I thought I was better than I am now. My team is incredibly encouraging and understanding, but every person I walk, I have the nagging feeling that I'm letting my entire team down. I feel like I'm the reason we're losing. The other teams are bringing in SO many runs, mainly because I keep walking people. It's very frustrating.

I'm heading to the diamond early tonight to practice. I REALLY hope it helps.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

you're doing great! Don't worry about it! it's fun to get out and play with each other, and that's all that matters! You're NOT the reason that we're not winning -- we haven't played together before. without you, we wouldn't have the option to play! Thanks for doing your best each week! See you tonight!