Monday, December 15, 2008

Degage - Release and rest

For several months now, I have been encouraging the small groups in Lifeline (high school ministry) to participate in some act of service. I lined up a night for a group to go to Degage downtown and facilitate Bingo. I was uncertain if I was going to go with the group or not, but decided in the last few days that I really wanted to be a part of this experience for the students. Not many of them have been in a situation similar to what is experienced there. I had not been in a situation like this in a while either.

God had been preparing me to go tonight. I needed to be reminded.

As late as an hour before leaving I was still contemplating cancelling the whole thing. The winds were horrible and then the snow started in. News 8 was telling me that a lot of other activities were cancelled this evening, and I was continually disappointed throughout the day as students texted me one after the other that they couldn't (or wouldn't?) come. In the end, I couldn't justify cancelling an activity because of weather, when the people we were going to meet and serve did not have the luxery to choose if they wanted to venture out into the cold tonight.

6:30 came and 3 students came to my house and we headed downtown. They were a bit apprehensive, but still excited. We parallel parked on Division (think of the golf cart scene in Austin Powers...that was my parking job tonight) and walked through the cloud of smoke and into Degage. We met Dave, who told us a little about the ministry got us set up for our Bingo game.

After the first game, I could see the girls feeling a bit more comfortable as they took on announcing the letters/numbers in the Mic. They made everyone cheer whenever they called out "B-1". They started to interact with the people as they checked their BINGO cards when they had won.

We met several individuals and heard a few different stories that are stuck in my brain as I sit all wrapped up in my cozy blanket, on my comfy couch in my warm and large house.

Story #1: Mary and Peter. They've been homeless only a few weeks. They fell on hard times and it's Peter's birthday today. We stopped Bingo to sing him happy birthday and try to make him feel a little special during a tough time. I lost count of how many times he thanked us. All we did was sing 'Happy Birthday' and that made his day. I was reminded that simple, intentional acts can be used by God in powerful ways.

Story #2: Daniel & Lisa. They've been homeless for over a year. She came up to one of my students and asked for prayer. I was able to meet her and her husband, along with a fellow named Joe (up next) and we stood hand in hand and prayed. Neither of them can find work. The car they sleep in when they're not in the shelters has major issues. When they are able to go to the shelters, they are more often than not separated as there are not many facilities to accomodate married couples. They looked like any other happily married couple. Through our conversation and prayer I was reminded to be thankful. Thankful for my loving husband to go through life with, for work, for functioning vehicles, for being able to sleep in the same bed as my husband, etc. I was also reminded to have faith in prayer.

Story #3: Joe. Joe is a Vietnam vet. He has cancer. His wife died 5 yeas ago. He has been homeless for years and sleeps at Guilding Light. He shared about his searching for God amidst the pain and how he questioned why God was punishing him. He came to the conclusion that God was punishing him because he had killed someone in battle. He eventually realized that God is love and full of grace and talked about his love for the Lord. Joe talked for at least 20 minutes and I stood and listened. I was reminded how much a listening ear can be a witness, and how humbling it is to really hear about God's work in others.

Story #4: The music man. Watch out American Idol. If this guy ever stepped foot in front of Simon, Paula and Randy they would cancel the competition and delare him the winner then and there. I don't know his name or story, but he had a guitar and before we left the four of us listened as he played and sang an origional song. If he had an album I would buy it. Amazing talent and still using it to sing for the glory of God. I was reminded that each story is unique and we have each been uniquely gifted by God.

Story #5: T-Brown. He guessed that I was 36 and my high schoolers were 13. He though I one of them was my daughter. I was a little annoyed. Then he told us he had done some drinking that night and I didn't feel so bad. If he was sober and guessed me to be 36 I would've been ticked.

Interactions like these were my life for an entire year as I did Mission Year. Now I'm doing well if it happens a few times each year. There is a lot on my mind tonight after God reminded me of so much. I'm thankful for tonight and thankful that 3 high school girls want more of it.


Anonymous said...

thank you for posting this. Real encouragement to know people still are doing great things. Kudos to your teens that went and the stories deserved to be heard.

Wendy said...

What a great mini Blessings Tour night as you were able to be blessed by listening. Thanks for the reminder.

Kelly said...

Thanks Gretchen. I was thinking about you guys last night and praying that it went well. I am so sorry to have missed it, but needed a night home. Hope to hear more about it from the girls!