Friday, July 10, 2009

And I'm off...again!

Another week long trip, here we come!

It's extremely disappointing that Marc can't come - It's now been almost 4.5 years since we've been together and he has never been able to come on a trip with me. It would've been the first, but we'll have to wait for another opportunity, I suppose.

Despite leaving my husband and son at home for 8 days, I am truly excited for this trip. We have an incredible speaker and I've heard fantastic things about this SERVE site. If I get a chance, I'll update while we are there, but for now, I should finish packing.

I made everyone bring their luggage tonight at 7pm and I haven't even finished! How's that for leading by example?

P.S. check out my blog list on the side- Redlands Serve has a blog - come check up on me during the week!

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