Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today is a day where I want to be a stay at home mom. I don't want to think about recruiting leaders, planning curriculum, laying out calendars and planning events. Please don't misunderstand - I love what I do, but right now I want to take a nap and then have a stress free day playing with my son outside. I hate that when he wakes up soon, I will need to try to keep him busy while I finish up my work for the day rather than just putting on our shoes & going to the park across the street.

I think about this time every year I get a little overwhelmed. I start getting anxious as I think about Marc going back to full time school + 5 hours a week of teacher aiding + 40 hours of work + me starting a seminary class + full time work + Isaac + 2 exchange students. Most of the time I can handle it. Not today.

Well, enough blogging. The more work I get done now, the more play time when Isaac wakes up.

1 comment:

Laffin's said...

love ya friend. God is good even in this season of your life.