* Isaac is 4!!! How did my baby become a 4 year old?
* I'm done with my class after today! I start another class in a week or so. I have this spring class, a week long class in August, a class in the fall and then I'm DONE with my Masters! I also have to complete the requirements for my internship and take Oral Comps next spring, but my course work is nearing the end!
* I'm LOVING the small groups we're doing at church with the "Not A Fan" book by Kyle Idelman. Our group is diverse and different - I'm being challenged and convicted in many ways.
* Trying to figure out where to put Isaac next year for school. Another year in preschool at Evergreen? Transitions class at GRCES? Something else?
* Hope is 16 months old as of Sunday. She's still not walking or talking much. We go back to the doc in March to see if they'll want to get Early Childhood involved for some physical & speech therapy.
* I love the show "The Electric Company". I'm glad Isaac does, too.
* I'm behind on my Bible reading. Getting the stomach flu last week got me pretty behind. Still trying to catch up.
* Chuck will be moving back to China next week Wednesday. Lots of reasons why. Please pray for him as he makes this transition, and for us as we adjust to one less family member.
* Looks like Marc might be coaching Cross Country at WMC next fall. Fun!
* Trying to find a place to go with my sister's fam and my parents for a week this summer. We've never done anything like this before - I"m SO excited about it!
* Our closing on Quimby is on or before February 20th. We will still have to make some payments, but I'm SOOOOO excited to have an end in sight for this!
* I'm getting a 'deprogrammer' to wear at night (a mouth appliance much like a retainer) to help with my 'clenching'. Hoping this reduces the constant jaw popping and headaches.
* Getting excited about the many trips happening this year: DR over spring break, Colorado Challenge in early July and SERVE in late July. Who wants to watch my kids while I do all these cool thing? No - seriously - who wants 'em? I love these opportunities, but it is much harder with children. I have to rely so much on my family and friends to help care for them while I"m gone. I can't wait (well, I can really if I'm honest) until they're old enough to go on these trips!
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