Thursday, August 23, 2012

A quick vent

I'm supposed to be studying for my exam which is tomorrow morning, but I'm so frustrated that I needed to quickly vent.

I'm taking a week long class, which started Tuesday and ends tomorrow. I got my binder/syllabus tuesday morning. It tells me I have to read a book for this class, which is for sale in the Calvin bookstore. It also says that as I've had the syllabus since before the start of the class (no I didn't), I should read the book prior to the class starting. Um, well, impossible now, but thanks for the tip. So, I head to the bookstore immedietly after class. They have no idea what I'm talking about.

Thankfully I have friends in the seminary & one of them had it, but I couldn't get it until Wednesday after class. Throw in a 30 hour work week somewhere, and normal wifely/motherly duties, which leaves me no time to read in the first place, let alone when I have 2 days for a whole book.

Then, today, my prof says "sorry the book wasn't in the bookstore, should be there now", as if having a 12 hour window to read is helpful.

He also says, "if you want to review any portion of the class, it's online to watch". Can't find it anywhere. Email the prof. Shortly after I email him, the IT dept sends out an email on how to find the class capture. I go to the link. Nothing there. Seriously??

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to pass an exam when I got the book yesterday because they forgot to send the email with the syllabus a few weeks ago & I can't review any of the lectures that are supposed to be available to me.

Talk about a frustrating week! Thankfully its over after I hopefully pass this exam, and then I'm left with 1 class, oral comps and an 'internship' until I officially have my Masters degree. I hope I survive!

1 comment:

Erin Studer said...

you can do it Gretchen...with HIS help! Talk about frustrating! I know how that goes...good thing we don't have to live week after week like that!