Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mommy & Isaac Day

So last week I worked over 80 hours. We had a weekend retreat at Timber Wolf Lake which was amazing, but I still worked 40 hours before I even hit the weekend. That is what warrented a few hours of Mommy & Isaac time on Friday. We went to the zoo with our good friends Kelly & her daughter Allison, Kelly's sister in law and her 2 kids. It was so nice to get out with friends & other moms. Isaac was a big fan of the fish - I think because they were constantly moving. He doesn't have much of an attention span for sleeping Lions or Tigers.

We had a little picinic out in the park and then the kids crashed on our way home. It was nice to feel like I actually had some quality time with my son amidst a crazy busy week!

This weekend should be fun too. Tim Kim (one of our exchange students) made homecoming court, so I'll be going to the game Friday night. Five other students from Plymouth are on court as well. What fun! Saturday one of my good friends, also named Kelly, is getting married.
September has flown by and with 3 weddings and 2 youth group events in October, it's bound to do the same. I do love the fall though and can't wait for the changing color of all the leaves!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We think its infected, its still very blimp like, and being on MARTA with crutches is really quite nuts.

I love you!