Monday, June 1, 2009

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

That is a quote by Jim Rohn which I appreciate especially today.

I have a goal of doing the Reeds Lake Triathlon (see last post). Today took enormous amounts of discipline to get up at 6:15am and head to Calvin's pool. It took maybe even more discipline this evening to put on the running shoes and hit the pavement.

I suck at discipline, but I did it. I hope that each time I accomplish a goal, the next time will be a bit easier.

I desire with all my heart to lead a very structured life, but often lack the... well, discipline to be disciplined.

I do sense a domino effect whenever one area of my life becomes more structured. Typically when I start to exercise, my eating habits improve. That usually helps my bedtime routine and amount of sleep I get. That often helps me use my time more effectively, etc. Discipline often leads to a simpler, more content life for me.

I've decided that you can get a glimpse into my mind and heart by looking in two places:
1. My kitchen.
2. My car.

If they are clean, picked up and orderly, you can bet my mind is settled and calm and I am, for the most part, on top of things in life; I am disciplined. If they are in a state of disarray, however, things aren't good. That's often a sign of chaos and stress for me.

I'm not quite sure which leads to what. Those living in my house can tell you that a dirty kitchen can quickly lead to me being stressed & upset. Hmm. The age old chicken/egg question.

So, if you ever want to get a glimpse into the life of Gretchen, stop by my kitchen or take a cruise in the mini-van & you'll get a pretty accurate look into my current mental and emotional state. Hopefully this triathlon training will help me, and in turn, my family, lead a more simple & content life.

High hopes for a simple triathlon, huh?


Wendy said...

So, if you ever want to give Gretchen a great gift, deep clean her kitchen. :)


Marc and Gretchen said...

Oh you've got it Wendy! Actually, my sister cleaned my whole house for me a few weeks ago as a mothers day gift. Seriously one of the best gifts. Ever.

Kelly said...

One of the biggest steps to discipline is simply getting started, so I'd say you're well on your way!!! Great job getting yourself out yesterday! (they say it take 30 days to create a habit...)

I agree that the house/car being a mess directly correlates with my state of mind too. It's been tough not having the ability or energy to bend down and pick up Ali's toys the past few weeks as it means my house is a perpetual mess!!