Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Disappointed, but still a GREAT DAY

Well, I came in 2nd place for the Biggest Loser competition. :( I was really hoping to pull through & win, cause $120 would come in pretty handy right about now!

On a brighter note, our previous renters left a brand new massage table at our house & the retail value is $529. I'm hoping we can sell that & use it to pay off the credit card debt we've unfortunetly racked up with this whole Quimby thing.

On a MUCH brighter note, it's Isaac's 2nd birthday today! With Marc & I working opposite schedules, we will be celebrating more on Saturday, but I did take Isaac out for a Mickey Mouse sundae at Arnies with my mom, Auntie Al & Auntie Ker. And since I am done with the biggest loser challenge, I celebrated with a piece of Snickers Ice Cream Pie. Not sure that was smart, but it was sure good! Before we left for Arnies, Isaac decided to show off a little of this 'terrible two's' myth I've heard so much about. After we got home, though, we put on his new Thomas movie (thanks Auntie Al), he grabbed his blanket & elephant & said, "Cuddle?". Melt my heart! I love that my little guy loves to cuddle with me. I know it won't last forever, so I cherish everytime I hear him ask.

It's hard to imagine life before Isaac now. There is a part of me that is still not used to the lack of freedom being a mom, but of course I wouldn't trade that for anything. With our crazy schedules, it truly is 'taking a village' to raise Isaac. Thank you to my parents, my in-laws, my sister & sisters in law, my dear friends and my high school students who have all spent time shaping my son in different ways. Thank you for supporting Marc & I as we strive towards a 'normal' family life eventually.

Our 'normal' family life is in the horizon. Marc has started his LAST semester of classes, taking 3 at Cornerstone & 1 at CC. Next semester he will be student teaching and a 11 months from now, God willing, he will be completely done. He has a potential students teaching assignment at NorthPointe Christian and is in the process of figuring out all the details. Less than a year. Less than a year. Less than a year. This is my new mantra.

My ice cream sugar buzz is wearing off, thus time to sign off & head to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy belated Brthday Isaac!!!

500 dollars?! Dannnggggg thats tight!