Thursday, January 28, 2010

God's provision

While we don't have renters by February 1st, like we've been praying, God has provided in some other very creative ways for us to be able to pay our mortgage and rent this month. I've been keeping my eyes open for God's creativity after teaching my middle school students last week on Exodus 17 (go read it!). God certainly showed great creativity in providing for the Israelites, and it was a reminder to me that he may not provide in ways I think he should or would.

Creative way #1: Someone dear to me slipped me $200 the other day to help with the costs of our house. What a huge blessing- and very unexpected!

Creative way #2: The massage table that was left at our rental is sold! $300 coming our way tomorrow when she comes to pick it up.

Creative way #3: I went online to redeem some credit card rewards & we should be getting a $50 check in the mail any day now.

We're still short, but getting closer each day, and I am giving God praise for his provision for us in hard times. He is faithful!

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