Thursday, April 15, 2010

20 down, 20 to go

As of Friday, I will be 20 weeks. I have my US tomorrow morning & am praying to see a healthy baby on the screen. I am hoping we'll find out the gender, but more than anything else, I just want to see that baby is developing well and on track. I still have so many fears about things not being okay.

I'm also getting my first stash of cloth diapers tomorrow. I bought 17 used off craigslist. 13 BumGenius 3.0 and 4 each of a different brand. I'm also getting 2 wetbags & a stack of wipes. They were only used for 6 months & the mom gave up on cloth diapering cause her husband didn't want to do it. I have no idea what to do with them once I have them, but doing some research and trying to figure it all out.


The Werfs said...

Praying all went well at your ultrasound!

And YAY about your cloth diaper find - you will love BG diapers! I was just thinking about you and wondered what you decided to do as far as cloth goes and now I know! Hope they work well for you and your little one!

Anonymous said...

That's so exciting. That is one thing that Brian and I have talked about quite a bit. I've heard good things about the BG diapers. I'll look forward to hearing what you think.

Wendy said...

Lots of info on the Internet; you'll figure it out. Just be careful about not using too much detergent or the wrong kind and not using any petroleum-type diaper rash cream. Beyond that hey, it's not rocket science, it's just laundry! :)
