Saturday, April 10, 2010

Craig's list Junkie

I am patiently waiting for garage sale season to get into full swing, and until then, Craig's list has become a well visited site on this computer. What can I say? I cannot pass up an opportunity to look for a good deal. I've got a handful of items on my 'to buy' list that I am almost daily searching Criag'slist for. Thought I'd throw them out there for my blog buddies in case you happen to catch a sale around you that might have what I'm looking for. Feel free to leave a comment of what you're hoping to find too, cause like I said, I'm on CL or stopping by Goodwill for sure weekly.

1. Cloth Diapers. I may have actually found my first stash on CL. We're in negotiations right now.

2. Maternity cloths. In particular short sleeved size L. My sis & 2 great friends have loaned me their maternity stuff, but they're all quite a bit smaller than me. I can pull off some of it right now, but in the heat of the summer at 8-9 months, I'm pretty sure I'll be needing some Larges.

3. Toy Box. I'm sure Marc would love to build one of these someday, but we don't really have the tools or time that he needs. I'm looking for a wooden one specifically.

4. Large rug for Isaac's room. Blue, green, yellow, natural colors...whatever. Just not pink, red or orange.

Okay people, what do you need that I can look for??

1 comment:

Laffin's said...

you inspired me. i just went on craiglist and hopefully will be getting a ton of 3T girls summer cloths for $20!