12 weeks til baby yo-yo makes an appearance (hoping for 11, but more likely 13).
12 weeks to hopefully get Isaac potty trained.
12 weeks til Marc starts student teaching.
12 weeks to switch all the bedrooms around.
12 weeks to finish my stash of cloth diapers & figure out how the heck to use them!
12 weeks to figure out how to pay for Marc's LAST semester.
12 weeks to crochet a blanket for baby yo-yo (that reminds me...I still need to finish Isaac's & my nephew, Simons! I'm such a crocheting slacker!)
12 weeks til our Korean sons will be back.
12 weeks to figure out fall semesters for youth group & recruit some new leaders.
12 weeks to enjoy more time with Marc and Isaac.
12 weeks to hopefully get the house a bit more organized. Yes, nesting has begun.
12 weeks til you all find out if baby yo-yo is a boy or a girl! :)
I'm pretty determined to figure out if he's a she before 12 weeks are up! You're going to tell me, you just haven't realized that yet.
12 weeks until school starts again!
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