Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where were you?

This seems to be a question brought up often in regards to historical moments in time. Where were you when Kennedy was shot? When MLK Jr. was shot? Where were you when 9/11 happened? I bet the question will be asked, 'Where were you when our first African American president was elected/inaguated?'

Me? I was sitting in my rocking chair in the living room with my husband, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and two Korean exchange students. Isaac must have realized something big was happening, as he woke up mid-speech and came downstairs to join us.

I teared up as President Obama took his oath as our 44th President of the USA. Not because I agree with every platform of his, or believe that he is the 'savior' of our country, but becasue a beautiful moment in history was taking place. I tried to get a picture of Isaac with the TV on in the background. I wanted to capture this moment; a moment that Isaac won't remember but will have a picture to prove he was a part of it.

I am now dedicated to praying for our new President - that he will be given wisdom and courage to lead our nation in the right direction. I fear the outcome of some of the decisions that he will need to make, but that will only make me fall to my knees quicker. I suppose I would fear the outcome of decision regardless of who had become President. Whatever your political stance or view of our new President, please pray for him, and for the other leaders of our nation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was at Centenial park, big screen...on the coldest day ever in ATL, with so many others. It was beautiful