Monday, October 18, 2010

For the Mommas out there!

I just entered a giveaway for an Ergo baby carrier on this blog.You should all check it out! Not only for the giveaway, but the other posts here as well! Just reading this woman's about me' section of her blog made me like her! :)

If I don't win one here, I'm asking for gift cards to EcoBuns for my birthday and Christmas so I can get one.

I have a baby bjorn which I used a bit with Isaac, but it hurt my shoulders and I just never fell in love with it. I have a maya wrap sling, but I never felt Isaac was very secure in it, and it also hurt my shoulders. I have a moby wrap now, which my sister gave me and I really like that. It does take a bit to get Hope in and out of it, but it gets easier each time I use it. But what I really want is a Ergo - I have heard amazing things about it from everyone I know who has one. And every time I see a babywearing mama in public and I think "that looks like a great baby carrier" it's always an Ergo. So, there's my plug. Hopefully I will win one and can post a review after using it! :)

1 comment:

Laffin's said...

I want an ergo too! I have a moby wrap and it is way too complicated for me