Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 21 & Induction!!

Day 21
Pray that your husband will learn how to relax in the Lord and, in his greatest times of stress,
find joy and peace in his relationship with God. Pray that he will submit his schedule to the Lord.
(Neh. 8:10; Prov. 17:22; Ps. 16:11)

Wow - seriously? As we are about to start FMLA tomorrow for Marc, the prayer is about his schedule. Ahhh. What a reminder. We have been very frustrated with Marc's work. He has submitted the paperwork, submitted a formal letter and a proposed work schedule to his boss weeks ago. He STILL has not heard anything 'official' about his work schedule. He went in today to talk to his boss (after calling and never hearing back) and sounds like his boss is planning on everything that Marc wrote out, but he just never told him so. I'm not sure how people function like that. It drives me crazy. So, I need to also be reminded to pray for both of our schedules as we bring baby home and transition into life with 2 kids.

And speaking of kids - we are headed to the hospital Tuesday evening at 8pm to start being induced. It was a little frustrating today because the doc said I am only 1-2cm dilated when the doc last week said 2-3cm. I brought up my first ultra sound (which I have brought up before but no one has thought it was significant enough to write down) which put my due date at 9/9. My due date of 9/3 was based on my cycle, which was still messed up from my miscarriage, so I didn't quite trust that date all along, but the docs all went with it. Anyhow, she looked at that US and my 19 week one, which gave me a due date of 9/6. So, overall, I'm probably only 4-7 days past due instead of 10, but my doc feels as though we should induce anyhow.

I'm anxious about it as labor and delivery with Isaac was induced and was quite an ordeal. I'm praying it is quicker and smoother and that we don't have the issues afterward that we did with him.

Please pray for all of us in the next few days!!


Judy said...

Drugs are understand are very helpful ?!

Leah said...

As I have been following along your daily posts, its very ironic (which you have noted before) how the prayers are so perfect for what God has handed you for that day(s). Talk about God's timing! We are praying for you guys as you come into this new and exciting transition!

Brittany said...

praying for you like crazy, Gretchen! So exciting to know you'll be bringing baby #2 home soon! I hope labor is smooth with no complications for you tonight- can't wait to see pictures!!!