Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Uneventful Evening

It's almost midnight & Marc and I are both reading here in the hospital. We got here just after 8pm and had to go through loads of questions, medical forms, signing papers, etc. They started a medication to help get my body ready (cervadal for those who are interested). That has to be in my system for about 12 hours, so nothing more will probably happen until maybe 10 or 11am Wednesday. In the morning they will check my progression and most likely start the pitocin.

For now, I'm rocking the sweet hospital gown and nice little socks with the grips on them :), reading my first Jodi Picoult book (Plain Truth) and am craving ice cream which I cannot have.

It was strange to not put Isaac to bed tonight and to not have him around. I already miss him. I know he is in good hands at my parents house, but there is that little bit of guilt I have associated with him having to from here on out "share" me with his new sibling.

I think it's time to call the nurse & get that Ambien... Nighty night!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

hang in there. praying things turn eventful soon, if they haven't already!