Sunday, November 8, 2009

Home Remedies

I've got a cold. Any home remedies to try?


Laffin's said...

jessica swears by some oregano concoction that someone told her about...oregano oil or something. she also was told to drink apple cider vinegar with raw honey and swears by that. everytime i feel kinda bad she tells me those 2 things

Kelly said...

I can get you free drugs -- but probably today only - if you want any, call me!

GOTG said...

I swear by sniffing warm shower water in my nose to clear out the sinus passages (like a neti pot)...gargling with Listerine to kill germs and bacteria...upping my Vitamin C and Zinc...and being diligent about alternating tylenol and ibuprofin every 4-6 hours. Hope you are back in action soon!!

Erin Studer said...

I go by the shower steam too...helps loosen things up a bit in my chest and then I can get them coughed out...For a sore throat, I put honey in my hot apple cider and that helps...hope it's not more than a cold!

Jane Tiesenga said...

Alcohol helps!