Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

I wanted to skip posting today, as it's a tad embarassing. I'm up .5lbs. So, total after 4 weeks is now 6lbs. I have to also admit that I weighed myself in the morning, as opposed to the afternoons as I have been doing. It's probably more than .5lbs that I gained, but we'll go by the scale. :)

And, for my other goals - big FAT FAILURE!!

I think my only goal for this next week (being thanksgiving and all) is to NOT gain any weight. That's a legit goal, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey everyone has their ups and downs. Losing 6 lbs so far is great in my opinion. Some weeks your going to have none or a gain (i know you watch the Biggest Loser)