Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rememberance Ring

It will in no way ever replace the dear baby I lost, but it will be a constant reminder of the short life he or she had. It will also remind me of God's faithful plan for my family, which is obviously different than what I had in mind, but I remain confident in Him.


Wendy said...

Oh Gretchen...I missed so much while I wasn't getting your blog posts for some reason. I am so sorry about all the tough decisions, house problems, and unanswerable questions about your precious unknown (to us but not to God) baby. Now that I am caught up, my prayer tonight is for your continued perseverance--and thankfulness for how He's carrying you and given you a heart that knows He is.

Blessings, friend. Hope to see you again soon.


Laffin's said...

it is lovely

GOTG said...


RMMcDowell said...

It really is beautiful.